The Era of Sarah with Sarah Rachel Lazarus

Wish We Could Be Quarantine Queens (W/Dot DeVille)

Slaz Productions Season 1 Episode 16

We made it to 2021! This week, we dish about Trinity the Tuck’s antibodies, Hilaria Baldwin,  A B-52's sponsored Pandemic and much more.  We are joined by the fabulous Dot DeVille. She is an NYC based Drag Queen and Entertainment Director at Hearst where she oversees the editorial bookings for Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire. She has interviewed celebrities for Bon Appétit, Marie Claire,Nylon,Teen Vogue, Vanity Fair and many other publications. Follow her on instagram @dotdeville .

A great place to donate to right now is 'The Black School.'  (TBS) is an experimental art school teaching Black/PoC students and allies to become agents of change through art workshops on radical Black politics and public interventions that address local community needs.

Follow me on instagram to see more content, stay updated on upcoming episodes and send me questions for future guests!

Sarah Lazarus:

Hello, hello, everyone and welcome to wish you were weird!


A show where we talk about everything you've always wanted to know more about!

Sarah Lazarus:

Including but not limited to drag.



Sarah Lazarus:



How to not feel jealous of birds

Sarah Lazarus:

the best ways to slam your head into the wall.


Gay tweets that make you think, "maybe they shouldn't get married"

Sarah Lazarus:

How to cope with living through historical events. Every day


Burning books in front of children with conservative drag superstar Lady MAGA.

Sarah Lazarus:

Learning how to love the medicated version of yourself.


I'm the boy who ascended to the astral plane and fuck your ancestors, Vinnie.

Sarah Lazarus:

And I'm the girl who made Kaitlin Bennett shit herself, Sarah. Well, we made it We're in 2021! Officially! Anything you wish you did last year that you didn't do?


Jerked off more and worried less.

Sarah Lazarus:

You know, I wish I didn't get coronavirus, I wish, no I'm blessed.


yeah that sucks, Coronavirus must have sucked for you because you're on your deathbed on a normal day, like, you walk into the room sniffling and wheezing.

Sarah Lazarus:

Vinnie is like telling me how when I was on birthright, it looked like my pictures I sent to him were just subtitled in Yiddish pain. That's how I feel every day.


Oh, like when they like made you climb a mountain and you're like, I don't want this.

Sarah Lazarus:

I want to keep it on please. I wanna stay on this bus. Yeah, no, I literally hated that. Because they advertise the particular birthright trip I went on as "drinking in Tel Aviv," and that was literally two hours one night. And the rest of it was fucking hiking mountains, which I never done because what is hiking? And I like literally died. I like fell into a creek face first. There's a picture of me on my like hands and knees like praying to God. I don't really believe in God. And I was praying.


Is there really

Sarah Lazarus:

a god? Can it


No, not is there really a god? No. Is there really a picture of you on your hands and knees and a creek?

Sarah Lazarus:

Yeah, And the rest of the people are like smiling. It's like a group picture. And literally you can't see this right now. But I'm like, *wheeze*


Oh, my God, you have to send it to me. We should make it the cover of our next episode.

Sarah Lazarus:

Honestly, I wish you went on the birthright trip with me and Grant because it would have been a lot of fun.


If only I was Jewish.

Sarah Lazarus:

You could have, they literally, there was people in the trip. They're like, yeah, like I think about being Jewish. Like, I don't think the vetting process is super deep.


I'll just walk in and be like, I would like to denounce Jesus Christ. Give me a vacation

Sarah Lazarus:

They'd be like, Yoseph! Ah! I wonder what your Hebrew name would be. Mine is really different. Mine is Sarah. Yeah, people people get Hebrew names. And usually they're like exotic and different than your normal name, but mine happens to just be my name because apparently my name is just really Jewish. Already. Hilarious, Hilaria Baldwin.


Actually I have to be honest, because I do kind of live under a rock. Like I get that Hilaria like is apparently not Spanish but like that's pretty much all I know.

Sarah Lazarus:

It's just really bad. Like so basically Hilaria Baldwin, who is Alec Baldwin's wife, she's like just an annoying person generally, like she's one of those people who's really skinny a week after they give birth and she's like, always pregnant. And she'll like post these exercise videos like nine months pregnant and like in heels doing like squats. In like these cocktail dress. Someone is paying her big bucks for those videos. And she she's just like the worst. Like she posted a, she made an Instagram post about having a miscarriage and it was a sponsored ad by Nivea. What were they What was she selling? She's like "When I have a miscarriage, my skin is glowing." What are the worst products to advertise on a miscarriage commercial? My vote is shamwow Everything. Sham Wow. Oh man, I just thought about that, aww. Yeah, and she like she puts on an accent and there's like a video of her from like years back at this doing this kind of like cooking TV show thing. She looks at a cucumber and she goes"Um, how you say in English?"


Are you kidding?

Sarah Lazarus:

It's just like it's so bad all of the things. Basically a podcaster revealed all this stuff. There's like some like conspiracy theory pop culture podcast and they revealed all this shit. And Alec Baldwin is just like kind of crazy. He's like basically his Trump character about all this stuff.


Today we will be doing two truths and a lie Q-Anon version. I got my I got my two truths and a headline from Newsmax, which if you don't know is just a horrible little place. Sarah, where did you get yours?

Sarah Lazarus:

I forgot. What's the name of this website you found it



Sarah Lazarus:



Breitbart. Yeah. So far-right conspiracy news outlets. Okay, here's mine. Well, number one, "If Amazon JP Morgan Berkshire cancelled.. wait, Berkshire? Oh, sorry. Let me start again.

Sarah Lazarus:

I don't know. I'm not in the 1%.


If Amazon JP Morgan, Berkshire can't solve healthcare, can Dems?. Alright, headline number two: Is democracy a figment of our imagination? Headline number


In case you haven't noticed, Instagram owns you?

Sarah Lazarus:

I'm gonna say the Instagram one is fake.


I'm sorry.

Sarah Lazarus:

I mean, I know Instagram. They're all true?


All true.

Sarah Lazarus:

I know. It was hard because like, the only reason I was thinking Instagram is like, do republicans care about Instagram?


Right. And they do apparently,

Sarah Lazarus:

I guess. Interesting. Not shocking. Like moving on. I guess Here are mine. Actor Adam Scott. It's time YouTube. Ban Trump. Number two: Lana Del Rey says narcissism not climate change is one of the world's biggest

problems. Three:

How woke killed the golden age of drag racing?


Oh my god. Breitbart probably doesn't write about drag racing, which means the Lana Del Rey headline is true. Right? Am I correct?

Sarah Lazarus:



Oh, Lana Del Rey says narcissism not climate change?

Sarah Lazarus:

I saw people talking about her being a republican on like tik tok and stuff and then I saw that it was a girl I mean, that's not shocking. She went to Fordham LC for like not an arts major


No, she went to Rose Hill, I thought

Sarah Lazarus:

oh, even worse.


Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Sarah Lazarus:

Okay, so Fordham has two two campuses, and the Bronx campus is like, notoriously very republican Trumpy. So that makes sense


Which is why you don't have to feel bad when they get robbed.

Sarah Lazarus:

And they always do,


they really do

Sarah Lazarus:

We went to the New York campus, and we'd always get notifications that people in the Bronx campus were, like, being like held up at gunpoint. It was like, "Yet another rosehill student can't fight."


This week, we have donated to The Black School. The Black School is an experimental art school teaching black and POC students and allies to become agents of change to art workshops on radical black politics and public interventions that address community needs. With socially engaged artists, designers and educators working at the intersections of K12 to university teaching, art, design and activism. All The Black School programming is structured around our core principles of black love and self determination and wellness. The black school was founded by Joseph Cullier the third and Shani Peters in 2016.

Sarah Lazarus:

I'm gonna leave a link for this in our bio for this show. And something me and Vinny have thought about is like when we donate, we're trying not to donate to the bigger organizations that the money won't have the best use for. It's honestly cool to find some GoFundMe that really need the support or smaller organizations that need the support because your impact will be greater.


Yeah, send us small GoFundMes. Send me like your great Nan's knee surgery GoFundMe, like we, we want that we want some we want something that we know we're putting our money to it and it's not going back into corporate advertising.

Sarah Lazarus:

I just want to take a minute and shout out a lovely Brooklyn based singer songwriter that I know Lyda the Lady. If you're looking for your next bop to dance around in your underwear alone in your house, not that I do that, look no further! She has a new song out today called Lost Cause with fellow artists, Vybrant Vybes. You can find it on Spotify, and the music video is out on YouTube now. All ll of Lyda's songs are phenomenal bops, so you will definitely fill your void after having listened to chromatica for hundredth time and you're sick of it and want something new. So definitely listen to all of her songs and her new song last cause here's a soundbite of it.


I also love that angle with the mirror so we can see the whole wig!

Dot DeVille:

Front and back, party in the front, or what is it? Business in the front part in the back?

Sarah Lazarus:

Yeah, yeah. Michael Wilson

Dot DeVille:

I was talking about Peggy Bundy you don't, you guys are, are you guys too young?


Peggy Bundy, that sounds familiar to me.

Sarah Lazarus:

I only know one Bundy and he's hot. I'm just kidding

Dot DeVille:

I want him to eat my face

Sarah Lazarus:

Hey apparently Armie Hammer wants to eat people's faces but we'll talk about that later. Our next guest is an NYC based drag queen and entertainment director at Heart where she oversees the editorial bookings for Cosmo and Marie Claire


She's interviewed celebrities for Bon Appeti,t Marie Claire, Nylon, Teen Vogue, Vanity Fair, and many more.

Sarah Lazarus:

Please welcome Dot DeVille!

Dot DeVille:

Hearing you read about me like as a boy while I'm dressed as a dragqueen...

Sarah Lazarus:

Yeah, we you know we reread the website and we try very hard and sometimes we fail. Most times we fail, but...

Dot DeVille:

Oh, it's all factually correct. It's just funny to hear it because like Maxwell Losgar has done those things. Dot DeVille has never met a single celebrity in her life.

Sarah Lazarus:

But she will, she will. You are quarantine queen, right? You started doing drag in quarantine right? Yes.

Dot DeVille:

Yes. So I'm sure you're familiar there's a term called bedroom queen. Bedroom queens are like the purely social media queens who never ever ever leave their bedroom and just like serve looks on social media and don't perform. I adopted the term quarantine Queen because it's not it's not that I don't do those things. It's that I can't do those things.

Sarah Lazarus:


Dot DeVille:

It's it's circumstance, it's not personal choice. And if you check out my Instagram, I am performing and I am you know doing lives and I am you know, I'm on the tik tok with the kids. You know,

Sarah Lazarus:


Dot DeVille:

I'm doing as much as socially permissible right now so I don't go by bedroom queen. I go by Quarantine Queen.

Sarah Lazarus:

Vinnie is also a quarantine slash bedroom queen.


I am I am I got to do I got to do one little one little outing in drag before the world ended and then

Dot DeVille:

Oh, before lockdown?


Yeah, like once like literally once like a few days before lockdown, for Sarah! For Sarah's cabaret.

Sarah Lazarus:

When was that, was that, February, February?


Yeah, I think so

Sarah Lazarus:

Club Cumming! Um, anyway. So we want to know, where were you born? And what was your childhood like?

Dot DeVille:

How much time do you have? So I was born here in New York. I was born in Queens, New York in 1990. I'm 30 years old, freshly. I hate saying it, but I love saying it. So yeah, I was born and raised in New York, slash raised in Virginia, because we moved to Virginia when I was 13. And I feel like 13 years in New York, and then high school and college in Virginia, which are the more formative years. I sort of claim both is my hometown. And I'm obviously back in New York now. So I've spent more time in New York than I have, you know, more. What's the word? Like collectively I've spent many more years in New York than I have in Virginia. But I went through like puberty and my like self-discovery phase in Virginia, which is probably for the better, knowing how messy and crazy and chaotic I am as a person. Like having having the New York access cut away from me at age 13 was probably the perfect time for that to happen.

Sarah Lazarus:

How... I always think about journalism like my reference is The Devil Wears Prada, which I know is not all entertainment journalism and magazines.

Dot DeVille:

It Isn't not!

Sarah Lazarus:

Tthat is true. I mean, I wish it was, but you know, so how did that come about? How did you get into that?

Dot DeVille:

I Actually, after college, I studied costume design in college. And after graduation, I decided, you know, I don't want to work in theater, but I love fashion and I love creating. So me and another person I graduated with launched a clothing line. And we had a clothing line in Virginia for about a year. And someone who worked at GQ followed me, like, follow the line, rather. And I decided for me and my business partner that it was best we moved back to New York, and like, really do the thing. You know, like if we're going to be fashion designers, let's like be where the photoshoots are happening and where the celebrity stylists are pulling samples. So I moved, she was like, great, you go you find this an apartment, I'll meet you once, you know, you sign the lease and tell me where where to pull the moving truck up to and I was like, great. I did that. And the day we were supposed to move in, she was like, "I can't do it. I don't want to move to New York." And I was like, okay, so we were like Incorporated, we had an LLC, like I told her it was a 50/50 ownership. So that threw a huge wrench in the trajectory I was on. But luckily, the person who worked at GQ or had formerly worked at GQ, he's a photographer named James, I love him. He DMed me noticing that, that my social media activity was taking place in New York, and he was like,"did you move here?" And I was like "I did!" And he was like, great is your clothing line here now? and I was like, "about that..." So we got lunch and he was still in touch with his colleagues at GQ and knew that there was a position open in the fashion closet there, and the rest he was just like, do you want to interview for this position? I was like, well, I don't have a job. So yes, and I interviewed and I was hired on the spot. I started the next week and the rest is history.

Sarah Lazarus:

Wait, fashion closet, like the like the one in the movie that isn't like what the industry is like that?

Dot DeVille:

But that's why I said, when he said that's not what the industry is like, and like, it isn't not! Like it's a Hollywood version of what magazines are, or rather were, because it's a dying industry. But in their heyday Yeah, it was that glamorous. There were that many clothes the fashion closets were obverflowing with samples. Like people did get free things, and like people still do get free things and we still do have fashion closets and there are still free samples but like not at that level. It's it doesn't exist at every level. You know, but yeah, I worked in the fashion closet. It was my job to like check in samples return samples, I was that like that scene with Emily Blunt before she gets hit by the car.



Sarah Lazarus:

Yeah, Hermes scarves?

Dot DeVille:

That part is real. Like they're really, like that's the job that I interviewed for, which was just running around like a chicken with my head cut off, in like, blizzards. Back when you know, it still snowed. And it was it was awful. But it was also like the best. You know what I mean? Like when you're 23 years old, and like new to New York City. Even though I was a native New Yorker, it was like, I was, it was my first time back like as an adult without my parents and my own apartment. And my own apartment. I mean, you know, in a one bedroom apartment with two other people sleeping in a bunk bed. And that's how I got my start.


Awesome. So dot DeVille. You You know this, this man named Maxwell, who has interviewed many celebrities and worked with a lot and we wanted to know who is your favorite to work with?

Dot DeVille:

Oh, I get that question all the time. And she's not someone that I interviewed. But she is someone I've worked with. And it was Nicole Kidman like sorry to be that gay, like,"Nicole Kidman," but like, Nicole Kidman!

Sarah Lazarus:

Oh my god.

Dot DeVille:

I booked her for the cover of Allure, I want to say in 2017, that sounds right. And we shot her in Cabo.

Sarah Lazarus:

Oh my gosh.

Dot DeVille:

It was incredible. Like truly, she was everything you expect her to be. She was so gracious. She like knew everyone's name before she got there, which is like class act. You know, they mainly

Sarah Lazarus:


Dot DeVille:

She got out of the van and was like Maxwell and I'm like

Sarah Lazarus:

Nicole Kidman said my name!

Dot DeVille:

And after the shoot, she like invited us all back to her suite and bought us all like margaritas and like,

Sarah Lazarus:

Oh my gosh,

Dot DeVille:

And kiki'd with us. And it was just she was really she was great. Yeah. And in terms of like who I've interviewed who's been the best it would be Lizzo .I interviewed her. I wrotee, again for Allure. I wrote a little feature on her for Allure . She just like everything she says is just like little nuggets of goodness, you know, like not a single thing that she others is like negative now you know, like everything is chock full of wisdom and yeah I loved I loved it.

Sarah Lazarus:

I love lizzo so much and like she just like she's like definitely a cure to depression if there ever was one like it's, it's Lizzo

Dot DeVille:

Absolutely. And when I booked her, I mean her album was already out. I was already a huge fan. There was really no peg. It was for a portfolio called beauty disruptors. And I was like, you know, my editor in chief, I was like "you have to do this girl Lizzo!" Like, her album came out a year ago, but people are starting to listen. It's really great. It's super catchy. And then sure enough, she ended up winning Grammys for an album she released two years prior to that award show. I mean, I love her and I'm really glad we did her

Sarah Lazarus:

that album, like every single song is like, so great. I love that. I love her album.

Dot DeVille:

Every single song. Yes.

Sarah Lazarus:

So when did drag come into your life?

Dot DeVille:

Well, drag is something that I always always was in love with. And like I don't I don't mean that. Like I'm not exaggerating when I say that. I actually talked about this recently on an IG live I did but when I was like seven or eight years old, my mom who was a Girl Scout leader used to take the Girl Scout troop to the city like every so often and on one of those trips they went to the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. And I went on that trip because you know, child care, you know. I'm taking the girls with me! I was literally I was a girl scout, an honorable Girl Scout. But we went to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and when you enter the like Hollywood celebrities, I don't know if you guys have been, but like,

Sarah Lazarus:

yeah, yeah,

Dot DeVille:

There's celebrities all throughout the museum. But then you get to like the big room where like they're all scattered about. And at the time RuPaul's wax figure was positioned on top of the water fountain at the center of the room. And when we walked in, I saw it and I was just like,"Mom, who is that black Barbie?" Like this woman, this seven foot tall blonde 24 inch waist woman like I was mesmerized. And I and my mom just looked at me and was like, "that's a dude." Like literally not like, you know, my mom's liberal and like she was just like, that's not a woman. And then I was even more mesmerised. I remember standing there like I read the plaque. Like I literally like there was no Google, you know, smartphones, otherwise, I would have been like googling "Who is RuPaul?". So I got as much information as I could while I was there. I was just in love. So yeah, that's when I first fell in love. And then in college, sorry, I'm going to go get sad for a second but a friend in college was murdered. And he was he would dabble in drag. His name was Ireland Bert Harris. And he was a phenomenal person. And after he passed we at the school, we started a scholarship fund in his name and to raise money for the first scholarship, we held a lip sync show like a drag show. And so that was my first foray into drag was literally just to like pay homage to Ira and like, you know, sort of celebrate his legacy and to raise money. Like we literally were just like taking tips from all of the students. And it was like it was the most joyous momentous, like amazing occasion I've ever partaken in. And I fell in love with it. But I have... Sorry, I'm like, this is all so long winded

Sarah Lazarus:

No, please.

Dot DeVille:

I have a I have an eye disease called lattice degeneration. Which means I like I have rapid deterioration of my retinas. So I have not been contact eligible up until September when I started doing drag. So the reason I never did it up until this September is that I couldn't see. And it sounds so silly, but then everyone's always like, why don't you just incorporate glasses into your look? And I'm like, I can't like I can't see my face to do the makeup. It's not a matter of like wearing this as a drag queen. It's that like, I literally can't paint my face with glasses on. But I mean, like,

Sarah Lazarus:

Oh my gosh, yeah.

Dot DeVille:

So I never I never did it because I never could and then as soon as my optometrist is like, Hey, you know, these new acuvue I think, you know, my, my eyesight has been, you know, pretty steady for five years now. And I get, I get these laser treatments twice a year and they were like, you haven't really had any holes or like, you know, the deterioration of my eyesight has definitely plateaued over the last five years, and so they were like, let's get contacts a go! And I was like, "Yes, let's!" And literally the next like, I got the contacts and the next week I spent like $3,000 on cosmetics and wigs and was just like she has arrived I was like, I've been waiting for this moment, like forever and I literally cried when I put contacts in for the first time. Like I like it was one of those moments of like, "Yay finally!"

Sarah Lazarus:

that's amazing. That's like incredible that you were able to like celebrate by getting a great drag look. And that's like a great "Mazel," if you will to some good news. My mom actually she was born with cataracts in her eyes. So she's like always had Yeah, she. Yeah, I don't think I can hear you. I think your mic. your mic.

Dot DeVille:

Oh, no, I whispered because I didn't want to It's like, it's so funny how times have changed. And like

Sarah Lazarus:

Oh, yeah, she was born with cataracts. And she's always had like, a lot of eye issues. And she like they my mom's like super smart. She like skipped a bunch of grades, but I know that they like didn't want to let her into. She grew up in like the 60s. So it was a little different then but they like didn't want to let her go to like regular school, they wanted her to go to a special school. And then she ended up literally like skipping three grades. this doesn't have anything really to do with your mom. But like, sort of like the way we perceive like disabilities, right? Like, you would never like view today. You would never view like bad eyesight as a disability. But like it's really a disability, as one who like has really bad eyesight like, times if I wake up and like, fell asleep with my glasses on and can't find them in my bed. Like I have a panic attack. Like, I cannot see like literally Oh my gosh.

Dot DeVille:

I mean, no one can see me we're on a podcast.

Sarah Lazarus:


Dot DeVille:

Because what am I doing?

Sarah Lazarus:

So scary. I cannot imagine I was like, I would freak out. That's really rough. But I'm happy that you're doing better. And you're on the up and up.

Dot DeVille:

Yeah, yeah. I'm so thrilled to like be doing this.

Sarah Lazarus:

Yes. So what is next for Maxwell? And what is next for Dot?

Dot DeVille:

I mean? Well, I'm currently working as the entertainment director at cosmopolitan and Marie Claire, like as Maxwell. Like, that's, that's it. That's what I'm doing. I have no plans of not doing that unless they decide they don't want me doing it for them anymore. I love my job. Like, I truly, truly, truly, truly love my job. And like as Maxwell that's that's the tea. That's the beat, that's my jush. And then as for Dot I just like, I want to grow her page, like I want to grow her name. Like I want people to know who I am. I want people to know that I'm doing drag. Like, if clubs were open, and like bars were open, I would be at the club three nights a week. Like literally like whether I was performing or not. I would just be out there just as Dot to like make my mark and like catch up on the last 10 years. Drag Queens start when they're, you know, in their teens and you know, early 20s I started six months into my 30th year on earth like no shade.

Sarah Lazarus:

Age is just a number

Dot DeVille:

Like Tamisha Iman, but she's literally been doing drag as long as I've been alive. I have to catch up.

Sarah Lazarus:

Absolutely. Um, I wanted to ask because like your looks are really cool. Very like punk, very fashion editorial. I want to know, like, what is your inspirations for Dot?

Dot DeVille:

I mean, my inspirations are really all over the place. And I don't want to sound cliche, but like, I borrow from everywhere. Like if you look at my face right now, my eyes are like a 20s flapper moment up here. We have like a punk 80s moment here. You know, like, yes, we're gonna flush like my lips are like a 90s millennial nightmare. Like I have a moment. Like, you know what I mean, like I have a neon green mullet. Like, I love everything I love like I love glamour, but I also love trash. Like I really love low end mixed with high end, like my Dad was a garbage man. So I'm a super resourceful you know, queen who grew up having to like make do with what we had, like, all of my guarbage, not all of my garbage all of my toys came from the garbage like which, you know, some people would say,"Ew, gross, whatever." But like New York City has lots of rich people and my dad would sometimes find nearly brand new toys and or Beanie Babies, Pokemon cards, whatever, in...

Sarah Lazarus:

Bulk pickup.

Dot DeVille:

Yeah, like in rich people's trash like and that's how I got things. I had more Pokemon cards than anyone in my fourth grade class. And didn't pay for any of them. Like, yeah, so I yeah, I like to I like to mix mix and match high and low and I really love like Pat McGrath or John Galliano like that era of like fashion and makeup was so fantastical. I'm just like, I don't know, like there's there's not ever been anything quite like it prior or since. Right? You know, like that that moment in time, like the early 2000s. Like

Sarah Lazarus:

oh, I love that. Like the y2k looks.

Dot DeVille:

Oh, delicious. And like, I feel like ever since then fashion has sort of been in an anything goes like mindset, like we see some like, we see some trends come and go. But for the most part, like you can wear whatever the fuck you want. You can do what you want with your hair and your makeup and like, as long as it looks good. Not even if it's like I'm not, you know? Like, no one's gonna say anything. Right?

Sarah Lazarus:

Right, right.

Dot DeVille:

And the older I get, the more I realize like, no one gives a shit what you're wearing. Like we think about it, and it's like, I don't remember what a single person I cross paths with yesterday was married. Unless it was an ultimate serve.

Sarah Lazarus:

Right. Exactly. Yeah. I will say back to New York trash bulk pickup day in Manhattan. You know, you'll you will make some money. I sold a counter I found on the street for $400 once

Dot DeVille:

Werk! My dad sold a painting he found with a hole punched through it for $20,000$20,000 on eBay in like 2001 or two, like it was right before we moved to Virginia.

Sarah Lazarus:

Wow. Was he just like, "This is Banksy. It's supposed to be there."

Dot DeVille:

It was like it was in a rich neighborhood. Like I you know, like I don't know where he was. I don't know if he was in Manhattan or if he was in Queens. But it was it was a rich neighborhood and it had a hole punched through it. But he knew as he was picking it up he was like "whatever it is. This is an original, like this is not... you know like this is not like hotel art. This is art art." So he looked up the signature found out who the artist was, contacted that artists gallery, they confirmed that it was real, he got the certificate of authenticity, and it sold for 20 grand with a hole in it.

Sarah Lazarus:

Wow. Wow. Everyone go pick up the trash On what those big buildings on West End on the 60s that's where you go to get furniture street art their bulk pickup day is like literally wealth distribution like

Dot DeVille:

Rich people like it's like do you guys even know what goodwill is? Have you heard of housing works? You guys like do you know? I'm glad that I'm glad they don't

Sarah Lazarus:

I hope I don't know what it is one day I really want to be at that place where I just forget it's it's gone away from my mind. Alright, so we are going to move on to our games section. Our games are a little bit abstract, but the games are not abstract but the concepts are.


The first game we're going to be playing is just a few rounds of marry fuck kill. Are you familiar? Yes. Great. So this is round one. We've got Mary fuck kill: Gia Gunn's ponytail, The Lovely Bones on DVD, and a rash.

Dot DeVille:

And a rash. Ooh, fun fact. Gia Gunn and I have the same birthday, do with that information what you will. I'm going to marry Gia Gunns ponytail. I'm going to see like I almost said I was gonna fuck The Lovely Bones on DVD but like I feel like that gives off pedo vibes, I don't, you know?

Sarah Lazarus:

poor Saorise Ronan

Dot DeVille:

I have to take it back. I'm gonna marry Lovely Bones. Protect Saorise, like not, ya know, we're gonna do that. I'm going to fuck Gia's ponytail. And we're gonna have to kill the rash because like, there's no other option.

Sarah Lazarus:

Okay, this next one: Liza Minnelli's teeth. Chris Cuomo knocking you out but he loves you, Alaska offering you $10,000 to kill someone

Dot DeVille:

I'm going to marry Alaska offering you 10 grand to kill someone. I'm going to fuck Chris Cuomo knocking me out but he loves me. That can be like, hot.

Sarah Lazarus:

I agree

Dot DeVille:

Like if he punches me in the right spot. And then Liza Minnelli's teeth can choke.

Sarah Lazarus:

Round three, we've got Trinity the Tuck's antibodies, a Haunted laptop charger, and an Uber that's trying to kill you.

Dot DeVille:

This one's rough. I'm going to... like I want nothing to do with Trinity.


It's ust the antibodies

Dot DeVille:

Just antibodies? Okay, if that's just the antibodies, like can I can I like, fuck, instead like I like I just like, ugh, Trinity. Okay, I will... wait it's an Uber What is it an Uber? That's trying to kill me?

Sarah Lazarus:

an Uber that's trying to kill you and a haunted laptop charger, not an Uber driver, but the concept of Uber.

Dot DeVille:

kill the Uber where we're gonna bury the charger, we're gonna fuck the antibodies

Sarah Lazarus:

Was sher a part of that whole Puerto Vallarta drama or what was her...?

Dot DeVille:

Like she was just like defending queens in general, or not queens even like people in general who have to club like she literally like equated club promoters and drag queens and like circuit party people to essential workers, and we were like, mmmm?

Sarah Lazarus:

okay Vanessa Hudgens

Dot DeVille:

she like also went into like this whole thing of like I have to like pay my mortgage and it's like you won all stars?

Sarah Lazarus:

we all saw it

Dot DeVille:

You have at least$50,000 after taxes that like you should have probably been a little smarter with if like like get like all the other queens have like Bubly paid sponsorships, like get your manager on that, like have bubbly send you a case of their hottest new seltzer flavor like

Sarah Lazarus:


Dot DeVille:

There are other ways girl, launch like, launch a T shirt.

Sarah Lazarus:

I saw a video of like Vanjie and Silky Nutmeg Ganache and some partying and Silky literally goes...

Dot DeVille:

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that. I love them all but like it's just like really sis?

Sarah Lazarus:

I know, it was it was bad like there was not a there's not a mas in sight. It was just like insane. It was like COVID pool

Dot DeVille:

I keep going back and forth between I ordered that VU shield that like thing that I keep going back and forth between whether or not it's worth like throwing that on and like being in public and like I keep ultimately landing on no, it's not

Sarah Lazarus:

Yeah, it's it's honestly just like I mean that it like they go under I'm like I'm very like I wore a face shield and a mask on the plane. I'm like, and I had I had COVID in March and I'm still like paranoid about this shit.

Dot DeVille:

Well, nevermind i don't want to get like dragged by anyone but I get lowkey jealous of people who had covid and survived.

Sarah Lazarus:

I honestly feel that way. I feel that way. I'm like, I can I feel more comfortable going out than I would have. Okay, it sucked. I will say it was not like it was not like a little cute thing. But now I feel like like, I would have been paranoid to go to a supermarket if I didn't have COVID but now I'm like, ah, I got antibodies. I'm gonna get some shit.

Dot DeVille:

That's where my that's where my jealousy lies. Yeah, I still have a little bit of anxiety going out right? Going to the deli. I hate going to the grocery store because I'm literally like that person. It's like six fucking feet. Like literally, while I go to the post office and people are like a foot behind me. I'm like you're wearing a mask and I can feel your breath on the back of my neck.


Oh god

Sarah Lazarus:

The post office is... I feel like a COVID hub. It's It's rough. It's rough. We have one more Okay, we have one

more marry fuck kill:

Shangela's COVID spiked drink, RuPaul health insurance, and Violet Chachki's ribcage

Dot DeVille:

I'm gonna throw away RuPaul's health insurance because I have health insurance and like i don't i don't know what her package would look like. So, that leaves Violet Chachki's rib cage

Sarah Lazarus:

and Shangela's COVID spiked drink as if she spiked a drink with COVID

Dot DeVille:

I guess I'll marry that because I can make it sleep on the couch and I'll fuck Violet's ribcage

Sarah Lazarus:

We have another game, another one I'm sure you've never heard of called Would you Rather

Vinny: Round one:

Would you rather lose your sense of smell forever? Or be Tina burners piss cello.

Dot DeVille:

Oh, hi. How long do I have to be her piss cello?

Sarah Lazarus:

Whenever she wants it

Dot DeVille:

What was the other thing?


Lose your sense of smell forever?

Dot DeVille:

I don't need to smell. Tina burner dated Graham Norton.


So I've heard

Sarah Lazarus:

I was like who is Graham Norton? That's the British guy, right?

Dot DeVille:

Yes. He has that talk show where he has like he has like six celebrities. I don't know. I like do not understand the format but I live for it. Tina Turner dated him like seriously enough to have like multiple paparazzi shots and like event shots together. I learned this when trying to figure out what her boyband was

Sarah Lazarus:

Oh my gosh. Okay, this is the next Would you


Would you rather swim in a cold hot tub? Or survive a B-52 sponsored pandemic?

Dot DeVille:

I like the B-52.

Sarah Lazarus:

Oh, no. I love the B-52s

Dot DeVille:

because I feel like that ,I would rather that


I mean it is still a pandemic A B-52 sponsored pandemic.

Dot DeVille:

Oh, True. True. Like if I don't choose that, like no pandemic like, like 2020 never happened. Dot DeVille swam in a cold hot tub so you all could live pandemic free

Sarah Lazarus:

round three. Would you rather blow Michelle Visage or get the pork chop?

Dot DeVille:

I would blow Michelle Absolutely. I don't even, I have no interest in vagina of any kind.

Sarah Lazarus:

Except for Michelle massage.

Dot DeVille:

Fully. I'm ready.

Sarah Lazarus:

Round four. Would you rather be stuck in the Porkchop lounge with just Aiden Zhane for forever? Or have Farrah Moan scold you for leaving your house even after the pandemic ends for three years? I would take Aiden. I lowkey live for Aiden. A little bit of my look, like I lowkey live for Aiden and I rewatched the season after and I was like, why did they give her such a hard time?


Mm hmm.

Sarah Lazarus:

I definitely I like didn't hate her. I just feel like being stuck in like a place with her. Like what would you talk about? Like it would there would it would be like dead air to me.

Dot DeVille:

Oh, oh, wow. No, I feel like we would find something to like.

Sarah Lazarus:

Yeah, I just feel like when she was on the show, she like she just seemed a little lazy to me. Which kind of was like annoying.

Dot DeVille:

Yeah, I don't even know if it was laziness versus like complete shell shock. Like she's she's not the queen who hangs out with other queens right? Like she doesn't like she doesn't perform multiple days a week like she was a bedroom queen. Like not not like you know, like not no shade but I feel like it was more culture shock than anything at least I want to believe that. I was annoyed the first time I watched it, the second time I watched I was like no I live for Aiden.

Sarah Lazarus:


Dot DeVille:

But, I have to say on the pork the pork chop lounge front of it all that psychological trauma is some fucked up shit that the producers whipped up and I am not here for it.

Sarah Lazarus:

And like during while that was happening they were coming out of race riots and a fucking pandemic and they stick them in this place.

Dot DeVille:

I like felt strongly for Elliot, like I fully was just like you make this girl believe she's eliminated then you eliminate her again, then put her into a room full of piranhas who believe that they're the tits

Sarah Lazarus:


Dot DeVille:

Like this girl has no chance of winning because her mental state is shattered

Sarah Lazarus:

like, although she slayed I thought she slayed the

Dot DeVille:

She absolutely slayed the dance. But you know that when the bottoms come back like there's gonna be a whole reckoning of like, why did y'all send me home? Like you know?

Sarah Lazarus:

it was chaotic. It was truly chaotic to watch.

Dot DeVille:

We're really gonna have to go through three episodes with not a single elimination


Oh my god. I know

Dot DeVille:

Not that I want to see anyone go but like, three episodes?

Sarah Lazarus:

They're just trying to get those viewers honestly it's it's money

Dot DeVille:

I'm excited for UK tomorrow

Sarah Lazarus:

UK, it's tomorrow? Oh my gosh. Yes. Well, I mean, we're I don't know when this is coming out. But it's on the 14th of January 14. Whoa, me too. Oh my god.

Dot DeVille:

Did you watch Holland too?


I watched Holland. Yeah. I loved it.

Dot DeVille:

I loved it. I think they're so nice.


It was so fun.

Dot DeVille:

Yeah, Canada and Holland and like y'all are nice.


Canada was life changing. Canada was life changing. Rita Baga? Mwah, perfect. Everything she does. Stacey Mackenzie? Oh, is incredible. Stacy Mackenzie should judge every drag race.

Sarah Lazarus:

Oh yeah, she's on like America's Next Top Model. I think

Dot DeVille:

She was incredible. I could listen to her all day. Like, ladies. Yes.

Sarah Lazarus:

Well, thank you so much for joining us. It's lovely to meet you. We also we leave all of our guests with an end quote. It's just a quote. It's not relevant to anything really. It's just something we like. Vinny, want to take it away? Yeah. Today's quote is, "that big mouth has a lot of spit." Aiden Zhane

Dot DeVille:

I'm gonna treat that like my fortune cookie tonight.


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Sarah Lazarus:

This episode of wish you were weird was sponsored by nobody. Please sponsor us. Thanks.